Book Chapter
C.K. Curtis, J.L. Streator and J. Krim (2017). Chapter 7: Friction: Friend and Foe. Surface and Interface Science 8. Klaus Wandelt. Wiley. New York.
Journal Articles
B. Acharya, J. Krim (2017). In situ real time studies of reaction film formation temperatures for Fe, Cr and SS 304 surfaces immersed in 5% tri-cresyl phosphate in base oil. Tribology International (Submitted).
B. Acharya, M. Chestnut, A. Marek, A.I. Smirnov, and J. Krim (2017). A Combined QCM and AFM Study Exploring the Nanoscale Lubrication Mechanism of Silica Nanoparticles in Aqueous Suspensions. Tribology Letters. 65 115. DOI 10.1007/s11249-017-0898-5
B. Acharya, M.A. Sidheswaran, R. Yungk and J. Krim (2017). Quartz Crystal Microbalance apparatus for study of viscous liquids at high temperature. Review of Scientific Instruments. 88.
C.K. Curtis, A. Marek, A.I. Smirnov, J. Krim (2017). A Comparative Study of the Nanoscale and Macroscale Tribological Attributes of Alumina and Stainless Steel Surfaces Immersed in Aqueous Suspensions of Postively or Negatively Charged
Nanodiamonds. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology.
Z.B. Fredricks, B. Thapa, J.L Rush and J. Krim (2017). Measuring friction and granular collapse using a homemade tribometer. American Journal of Physics.
M. Winkel, J.W. Stallings, and B.J. Reich (2017). Local variable selection in sequential optimization. Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meetings, Baltimore, MD.
Conference Presentations
Donald Brenner (2015). Combined experimental and molecular modeling studies of nanodiamonds. 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition. Boston, MA.
Jacqueline Krim (2016). Controlling Friction with External Magnetism. Second European Workshop on Understanding and Controlling Nano and Mesoscale Friction. Riga, Latvia.
F. Saberi-Movahed, D. Brenner, O, Shenderova (2016). Probing interfacial aqueous structure around nanondiamond particles. 145th Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the TMS. Nashville, TN.
B. Acharya, M. Chestnut, A. Marek, O. Shendarova, A.I. Smirnov and J. Krim (2017). Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Atomic Force Microscope study of atomic scale polishing and roughening of surfaces exposed to nanoparticle suspensions of
diamond, Al2O3 and SiO2. Annual meeting of the Society of Tribology and Lubrication Engineers. Atlanta, GA.
F. Saberi-Movahed, F., D. Brenner, O. Shenderova (2015). The Influence of Shape and Surface Chemistry on Solvated Nanodiamonds as Lubricant Additives. Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society. Boston, MA.